Day 7 Someone who has made your life worth living for

When I first saw this I thought it was quite naff to be honest.  Because I was raised with the knowledge that you shouldn’t depend on other people for happiness or validation or think that other people will make it all worth it.

But, as we all know, was are not islands, so the first person that came to mind was my Husband.  Then my Dad.  For the longest time it was the other way around, simply because I wasn’t married all my life 🙂

I speak about them a lot so if you read visit often you’ll know why.  They are two enormously special people and they deserve ONLY the best.

12 thoughts on “Day 7 Someone who has made your life worth living for”

  1. I’m with you on this one. We shouldn’t need others for our happiness but then again, what is happiness if we haven’t got people to share it with. I’d be hard pressed to choose just one person to answer this one.

  2. Also agree! After many lonely years on my own, I was so happy to meet my hubby and have someone to share my life with! Of course, having kids just makes it even better!

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