We have been hit by a wave of snot. Not just any snot, noooo, the kind of snot that is mercifully still clear, but is distributed over a vast space via sneezing. And it is coming mostly from the girls. We are also fresh out of Olbas, so I ran into the local Pharmacy on the way home with Daniel.
Herewith an account of my conversation with the flabbergasted chemist: (after chasing Daniel down and dragging him to the counter before he completely destroyed their displays)
Me: Hi, I have 16 month old twins at home that have very runny noses
Chemist: Uhuh
Me: I just want to check that I’m giving them the correct medicine that will clear it up
Chemist: Uhuh
Me: Uhm, I’m using Coryx. Is it still a good medicine to use to clear up a runny nose?
Chemist: Uhuh
Me: Uhm, are you sure? (by now the woman is looking at me and Daniel like she’s thinking you taatie, surely you should know if you have so many kids)
Chemist: As long as there is no infection it should be fine. Is there an infection?
Me: Uhm, no, it is still running clear
Chemist: Uhuh
Me: Uhm, do you have any Olbas?
Chemist: No, we’re sold out
At which point I spent about R100 on other arb stuff and a R24.00 dinosaur I had to buy just so I didn’t have to buy the R60.00 puzzle Daniel wanted.
Dinosaur – Grrrr!
Love Coryx always have a supply on the ready
Me too, either that or Demazin.
Yep, and he’s already dismissed the thing, have no idea where it is. Next time I’m saying NO
LOL, thanks for popping in ๐
LOL, Good luck!!
The sister at the clinic last night told me to try Acc200 on Connor to try clear up his snots (and any excess fluid in his ears). I thought it was only for adults, but I read the box, and sure enough you can use it on kids under 2! I just popped half a tab in his juice, and we had no screaming in the night ๐ Thank goodness I didn’t have Tristan at the pharmacy with me – I managed to spend only R2 extra on a Chomp for Connor, who didn’t even cry when he got his jab ๐
I like Rebecca’s idea, must get some in for Jess I think! I have spent a fortune on tissues.
Hope your “snollies” (Jess’s name for them from age 3) are cleared up soon.
Have a good weekend. XX
What a great idea, I swear by the stuff for myself, will give it a bash and report back!
Ive been lucky so far, Minki has only had the snollies (like this name, Shazzie) once since she was born, and Demazin took care of that.
What is Acc200?
I use the pegasus muco drainol, makes it worse at first but then clears up, but definitely looking into the other 2 options as well – never even heard of it!
I’ve got snot and coughing and sneezing, got the funny feeling it might be tonsillitis but not sure (never had that one before in the house) so watching c for now and hoping it will get better (and i’ll get some sleep) soon