I had a couple of urgent phone calls and emails to see to this weekend, but the one was dependent on the other, which meant I only managed to get it wrapped up this avie as I was battling to reach someone. I hate going through a weekend worrying about work and stressing about not being able to get to it because it is simply too chaotic with the kids. I refuse to switch my laptop on when they are awake unless it is critical.
But the best was, when I was finally on the call I had Daniel going :who’s that? who’s that? who’s that? whilst I was trying to talk. Hubby and the girls were sleeping, so I had to interrupt my call to send Daniel off to wake Daddy. Which he promptly did, then came back when I was still on the phone and starting pelting me with the girls’ shoes and tugging at the laptop charger, banging on the key board. Grrrrr. Luckily the person on the other line was also a Mommy, so I could hear her giggle..
We had a kiddie party yesterday for a little boy we’ll call H. Daniel has been going on for ages about “Caitlyn’s” party and I even went as far as asking his teacher that said that there wasn’t a Caitlyn in his class having a birthday. This had us stumped. Until we realised that he just cannot pronounce the “H” of this little boy’s name. So we got a kick out of asking him the whole weekend whose party he went to and was rewarded with “Caitlyn”. Every time. Our funny little man 🙂
Hope everyone has a great week!
LOL for Caitlyn!
Poor old Caitlyn, he must be having an identity crisis.
LOL at phone cal,Hubbie throws highlighters at our lot when hes on the phone and they start talking
Ha Ha! Congrats on the deals! Our friend is fine, just very very tired
Thanks, will give her a call in the morning. Lots of hugs.
I think I saw your hubby today in his vanity plate – ask him about the lady in the white Renault that was talking on her cell driving in Durbanville at around 10h00 this morning..
Haha, I don’t know what he calls him..