Weight update

Another 1.1kg down, 17.9kgs to go!  I’m aiming to have a 1st birthday party for the girls on 14 March and want to see if I can lose at least 1 kg a week before then, which should mean another 5-6 kgs and that would make a huge difference!

I have decided that my clothes are divided up as follows (working backwards):
1.  post twin super fat #16’s
2.  post Daniel rather fat #14’s
3.  post broken ankle and first attempt to quit smoking chubby clothes #12’s
4.  pre-wedding comfortable #10’s
5.  post first attempt at Sureslim size 8’s

Look, lets be real, I’m not going anywhere near a #8 without the obligatory tummy tuck (yeah baby!!!) and boob job (eeekkkk!!), probably not even a #10.  But I would like to think I can manage to get down to a 12 without spending R50 000 and having surgical assistance (sigh)

3 thoughts on “Weight update”

  1. Good luck with being happy and comfortable in your body. As you said to me about age, a size is just a number, what matters is how you feel.

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