Phew, what a weekend!
Friday night was School Camp out night at Nitida, but we only went for the supper bit with some of Daniel’s school friends. It was a great evening, we just had to retrieve Isabel off the slide repeatedly where she was climbing up from the bottom and Mignon on the other side of the field where she kept walking off to. We also had to keep Daniel from jumping the q on the slippy slide. Great fun though!
Swimming lessons yesterday morning, rushed around after that to get some shopping done. Was driving through the winelands with loud music and clapping hands and singing to keep him awake!
Then we went to a school friend’s house for a birthday supper late afternoon. Her inlaws from Israel were there, as well as 2 other couples we know from school, also with kids, that she is really good friends with. I almost felt like I was being interviewed to join some club, it was a bit weird… I don’t do popularity contests very well.
Daniel was awake between 01h00 and 04h00 this morning and then on the go again at 06h00, so you can only imagine what a bundle of joy I was today.
Off to Playzone this morning with another friend, her little girl and Daniel and left hubby home with the girls to cook lunch for all the grandparents (after my sister tried to make feel guilty for not inviting her, but that’s a whoooole other story)
Then I dragged them all off to the Woollies sale this avie, but I don’t know what I was thinking, what a diabolical trip that was. Daniel was impossible and I have no idea why, he has had SO much love and attention this weekend, I really got to spend a lot of time with him for a change.
I had a really baaad husband weekend. Don’t get me wrong, I am married to a wonderful, wonderful guy, and I admire that he is as solid as a rock. But FFS, sometimes I want to stick some dynamite up his backside and tell him to wake up. He doesn’t GET that kids need basic stuff like SOCKS. More about that later…
Hope everyone has a great week!
Husbands don’t always realise things like that. Mine is the same just because he is happy wearing the same undies and T-shirts for years doesn’t mean we all like to. Have a super week 🙂