Quite a nice weekend!
Went for a nature walk with Daniel’s school on Saturday morning and won a picnic blanket! We couldn’t have an actual conversation with anyone as we were herding children, but it was fun anyway.
Saturday night we had my In-Laws over for supper and that was hard work. They are very sweet and I can probably not complain as far as In-laws go, but have you ever tried to explain to a 78 year old that he cannot watch the rugby as the 3 year old will throw the mother of all tantrums if he cannot watch the Barney he watches every day at the same time.
I had to laugh, I took Daniel to Dischem to find something for his cold and he pushed this lady out the way trying to get to the baskets on wheels. I then asked him to please apologise to the the lady which he, of course, ignored. The lady then said “he must be 3”. How true and why did no-one warn me that the 3’s are this bad???
Yesterday it was a quick trip to Toys-r-us as we have gift vouchers and we let the kids roam. They were in 7th heaven! I did get snapped at by hubby at the till because I was loading bubbles for Daniel’s party this coming Saturday (pray for good weather please!), so he was lambasted when we got to the car.
Then off to my parents for another lunch from hell rescuing my mother’s valuables, but hey. The best is that Daniel now SHOWS the girls where all the breakables are. And of course my mother’s grocery cupboard is on the ground as well as her cupboard with all the chemicals. Drives me nuts! Especially as I had given her some childfriendly fasteners for her cupboard doors.
Late avie we had our neighbours over for tea (read:wine) and I think that was the last of the good weather.
I am now getting worried about Daniel as his voice is very high pitched, almost like when he has croup, but no fever, so we’ll keep an eye on it.
Busy but fun weekend for you