Ups and downs and Mother’s Day


Gawd, what a looong week on the one hand, but it flew by so quickly too!  


1.  money money money.  Want to have a wonderful birthday party for Daniel, but cannot afford to spend too much.  I am reminded constantly by hubby dearest.  Ad nauseam.

2.  related to money topic, we still have to spend the additional R10 000 on the car, have found a slightly cheaper place, so will taking the car soon.  Seriously don’t know how we will afford it, think I might play the lotto this weekend 🙂


1.  doing nature walk with the school and kids tomorrow and all Daniel’s friends will be there.  Having a picnic afterward and by all accounts the weather is going to be great.

2.  some things are potting on the work front and with twins society and purebaby.  Watch this space!

Seriously hungry, going off to find food now.   Bye to all, and a have FANTASTIC Mother’s day!

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