There wasn’t a lot of sleeping that went on in this house last night.
Hubby and I have now managed to piece it all together.
We think it went as follows:
Midnight: Mignon was crying and I got up a couple of times to put dummy in mouth
Midnight – 2 am: Daniel in our room a couple of times, only to be promptly escorted back to his room by Dad
2 am: Mignon awake and crying until she got a bottle at 2h30
2h30: Isabel woke up
3 am: Mignon fell asleep and Isabel was given a bottle
3h30: Isabel lost her rag with me refusing to pick her up and sleep with her and was actually yelling at me, a hoarse, pissed off Mamma, mamma, mamma (a lot of rage for a 16 month old me thinks)
4 am Isabel eventually passed out
Edit: around this time we also received an sms from our neighbourhood watch informing us about a break-in in the area. This also didn’t make me want to go to sleep
4h10: Daniel woke up crying
4h30: Dad goes to lie with Daniel
4h45: I hear something in the courtyard and run down the passage
5h00: Dad gives up and comes to bed. I then realise it is probably his eczema keeping him awake and put cream on.
5h10: Daniel eventually settles after Dad puts him back to bed a couple of times
6h15: Dad wakes up
6h45: Dad drags Mom kicking and screaming out of bed.
What did we learn? That sharing really is caring. We REALLY shared the load last night 🙂 Now I just need to train hubby to make me coffee in the morning!
mmmm one of those nights!
Oi rough night,hope tonight is better
I think we were due a rough night, they are normally very good!
Oh, my word. Makes my neighbour’s cat’s 2am to 4am yowling fade into insignificance.
that sounds like a hellish night!
Yip, the night from hell. After Connor sleeps through for 2 nights in a row, I gte one of these nights too. Strength for the day ahead!
I can’t begin to imagine to have a little boy AND twin girlies in the house, I battle enough with Minki.
You are an amazing Mum, and I would love to meet you and your kids.
Aaahhh, feeling is mutual!
Oh goodness, I hope the new baby is as good as sleeper as my son. He has never woken in the night since he was a tiny baby (with the exception of when he has been really sick) I think you deserve a huge medal!!!
This puts the sense of humour failure in more perspective! shoo weee, can I send matchsticks rather?