The cat post

We have a cat.  We got it from the SPCA after some idiot ran over my very special previous adoption from there.  We have had this damn cat for about 6 years.

This cat eyed me out of the cage when we went to have a look and meowed until we took him home.  It was apparently about a year old, but then again, every animal you adopt from the SPCA is always about a year old.  I think we named him Oscar, but he doesn’t respond to anything so he is just called meow.  He’s not an ugly cat, in fact he is quite beautiful, must be some Siamese cross. 

Anyway, we took him home and he proceeded to pee on everything, and I mean EVERYTHING – even on top of hubby on my down duvet.  We booted him out the door and he came back a few days later, rehabilitated.  We thought.

He only leaves the house to go outside and pee (mostly).  For the rest of the time he is either on our bed (hey, with 3 small kids in the house I could also spend all my time there) or on the roof, lying in the sun.  He is a rather useless creature that really only engages with you when he wants food and then you really have to watch your step otherwise you’ll trip on his fat stomach.  It actually swings when he walks.  Mind you, so does mine, mostly.

Of late the peeing has started again.  On our bed, in the kids’ play area, on a pillow in our room, against a curtain.  If you have ever had a cat you will know that this is not a smell you EVER get out.  I am pretty sure it is him, but it could also be the neighbour’s cat that has used up 8 of his 9 lives (been run over 3 times and still living, sans tail).   I found this very brave cat about to climb into our bedroom window in one of my nightly meanderings recently.  I’m very fond of my neighbour, so I called her the next day and asked her to please put a bell around the cat’s neck.  Or.

Even if it is our cat, there’s nothing I can do.  I refuse to take him back to the SPCA, I will not have him put down and no-one will want him, not that I could actually bear giving him away.


12 thoughts on “The cat post”

  1. Ag shame! I am a huge cat lover, and boy do I know that smell…now, what I know about cats is, if your cat suddenly starts peeing in the house, first check if there has been any changes to make him unhappy. Sometimes a new baby or new pet can do this, or even tensionin the house. Ok so its, not that, then I suspect your neighbour’s cat is trying to enlarge his territory and does enter your house and sprays all about to claim your house as his territory. Of course then your cat has to also spray on all the same places to show that this is actually his territory! Now lets hope that neighbour’s cat is not very adamant about the new territory otherwise this vicious cycle is going to continue. Solution? A bell on the cat would help a bit, close your windows when not home, spray pee-off, other urine and pet repellants or other products available from vet and pharmacy. I once had some luck with cayanne pepper. Good luck and let me know what happens!!

  2. White vinegar mixed with water in spray bottle. It’s the ONLY thing that rids the smell after a few applications. My cat did the same when a Tom tried visiting. Horrendous. Oh and have water jugs ready for the visiting cat. One humilated wetting and he’ll stop trying to expand his territory on Meowww.

  3. Thanks, did the vinegar bit as well as Bicarb, no use, but then again, I have a really good sense of smell.

  4. We also have an Oscar that is a total pain in the butt. Mr Man constantly talks about giving her away (it’s a her, we only found out after naming her Oscar, lol) but I just can’t bear the idea either. I feel that once one has made a commitment and adopted a pet then you should stick it out. Of course if she was a dog and she was biting people that’s different but our Oscar isn’t doing anything other than just being a pain. Eish.

  5. I found citronella spray to work wonders. Also had a tomcat from somewhere in the neighbourhood who tried to take over our house. Once I had burnt/washed/boiled everything I Citronella’d my house and he’s not been back!

  6. See, it’s not just me, I agree that we have made a commitment to adopt, so he is our responsibility.
    Oscar the girl cat. hehehe

  7. I also tried the vinegar spray, but then the smell of the vinegar made me puke, urgh!

    A simple solution? Vanilla Extract – smells divine AND get rid of the cat pee smell.

    (btw – did you know it is often not pee, but “spray”, there is a difference – smells equally disgusting anyway)

  8. Ok, I have just read your post and I nearly wet myself!! I had a really shitty day and I really needed this. Thank you!!! I’m sorry, I don’t have any advice but I really appreciated the laugh. Hannah.

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