I have a confession to make: I have not lost any weight since having the girls and have actually gained another 7 kgs (aarrgghh!!!)
I have 2 months to go as they are 10 months old today and have decided to re-join Sureslim. I lost about 10 kgs a few years ago and it has been the only diet that has ever worked for me. I get irritated having to count points and can’t keep up with all the things you have to eat on Weigh Less (I also had a shocking experience with them before I joined Sureslim, will never go back to them!)
So, I’m going to get a new eating plan and I want to lose at least 10 of the 20 kgs I need to lose by the time the twins are 1 year old in March.
I managed to lose 10kgs in a month last time, but think I need to be reasonable about it this time, so am giving myself 2 months to lose 10 kgs. If I can quit smoking, I can quit binge eating.
My problem has always been that I need a “crutch”, so does anyone have any suggestions ito a healthier “crutch”? Also, I wish I had time to get back to yoga, just so I can do something for myself and to manage my stress so I can get rid of the spastic colon and the ulcer.
Any ideas how you super mommies get to spend some time by yourself that is not between midnight and 2am??
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not freaked or anything, but I do realize that I will be a much happier person and a better mom and employee when I feel better about myself. I have promised myself that I will find another job, but I have now realized that I will keep dragging my heels until I feel better about myself. Working in Recruitment I know how I would feel about interviewing someone that looks like me at the moment!
I’m with you on losing weight! I’ve done Sureslim, which worked while I was on it, but I love carbs way too much for it to be a long-term solution – so as soon as I stopped, I ate potatoes & bread like there was no tomorrow!
Weight Watchers worked great for me – after a few weeks, I knew what most meals were in points, but it’s a pain to track. So after I lost 29,5kg’s I fell pregnant. Now I’m back where I started!
So my aim this year is to lose 30kg’s. I know the most important thing is to get your mind right! That’s 90% of my problem!
Just focus on how you want to look! You can do it! And I’m here for support – I’m following your progress, so keep posting about it!!!
Oh, I’m also curious to hear about “me time”! I’ll be glad to hear any secrets here 🙂