Sometimes it is just about the money

I finally sat down and did the actual price comparison (on an Excel spreadsheet nogal) between Daniel’s current school and another school close to us, both Montessori, both lovely, the one is just on a farm and the other not.

For full day, for the 3 children, for a year, Daniel’s current school would be R75 000 and the other school R55 000.  Actually a no-brainer.

So, sorry kids, we can visit plenty of farms, but Mommy and Daddy need to keep food on the table.

Below more attempts at getting them all in one place, looking at the camera. Mmmm

Looking at TV.

Only Daniel looking at camera

I’ll just keep trying..

6 thoughts on “Sometimes it is just about the money”

  1. Makes me shudder in my tracksuit to start thinking about schools and fees.

    Your girls are really growing up now. They are beautiful.

  2. Bloody hell! Cheaper to send them to proper school it’s cheaper than day care/play school.Cute lot you have there

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