Something in the air

I’m having a really good week, even though it’s not even Wednesday yet, but so far so good.

Good stuff happening at work, some projects getting wrapped up, money (a little) coming in soon and just generally all the balls I have put on the roll are now flying.

I’m generally just feeling a lot better than a few months ago, more energetic, less porridge brained and bitchy and tired and run down.

The kids are great, hubby is loving the smaller me that is emerging at a snail’s pace, but he is noticing and that is great.  Well, mostly when he is looking for his “hand-full” when we cuddle at night. 🙂

The only thing that is quite sad is how many people around us are getting divorced.  Hubby and I were counting and there are 5 couples that we know quite well that are getting divorced.  All with children. 

I hope the rest of this week goes well, now I just have to get Isabel to sleep later that 5h30 every morning.  Drives me nuts.  And they are SO friendly first thing in the morning, all they want to do is chat and play.

EDIT:  all I want now is a house to rent in Stilbay for December that isn’t going to cost me a limb!

10 thoughts on “Something in the air”

  1. Wonderful that you are feeling so good. The house will come I’m sure of that.
    It is so sad when marriages don’t work out, especially when children are involved. Hope these couples are working together to make it easier for the children, after all the children still love them both and they are divorcing each other not the kids! xx

  2. Wow, congrats on the weight loss – doing it slowly is the right way to go!
    REal sad about all the divorces, what’s going on with people?

  3. So good when everything is falling in place for a change.
    You’re in Cape Town, right? Close to the Beach? Can I come stay with you guys over Dec holidays? I offer FREE baby-sitting services and the occassional cooked meal – please?

  4. Thanks!
    I think it’s also just our age, a lot of people have been married for a long time, I don’t know?

  5. Tell you what, find us a house to rent in Stilbay and we can talk 🙂
    ps, beach is 20 minutes drive…

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