Quick hello and ups/downs


1.  Need to get going jobwise, I’m doing the work, just not seeing the results yet and need to get my head around a lot of stuff.  I need to be careful not to fall into “victim mode”.
2.  Don’t know how to close the money-tap – it seems to be flowing out very quickly!


1.  LOVING spending more time with my kids, I can really see the difference!
2.  A general feeling of being “in a good space” for the first time in literally years.  Scary, but good.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, we are off to a party tomorrow, then doing our courtyard so I can fullfill my wish of greenery and a happy workspace and teaching Daniel how plant a plant and take care of it.

One last thought:  some of Daniel’s friends were over yesterday and one of them pushed him off the top of the slide (the Mom wasn’t there at the time).  I’m very fond of the kids and their parents and confronting this kind of thing gracefully isn’t something I’m very good at.  I did say something to the Mom and tried to make light of it, but I’m new at having to deal with other people’s kids.

Any suggestions??

2 thoughts on “Quick hello and ups/downs”

  1. My rule is that if I am in charge of the kids at my home or out with me at a play venue then my rules apply to all the children.
    I would be very firm about saying that this behaviour is not acceptable and would also tell the mother how I had handled the situation so that any “tales” that may be told to her will be in context.
    Have a great weekend. xx

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