Hubby and I were trying to fling food on plates last night, so switched “the babysitter” on. We have one of those box thingies with a bunch of movies on it and hubby decided to try “Lilo and Stitch”.
About 10 minutes into the movie I saw guns and caracters being shot and immediately switched it off. I really don’t think that’s appropriate viewing for a 3 year old. Not to even mention the 15 month old girls that were hanging around.
Am I a freaked out Mommy or do people let their small kiddies watch this stuff?
ps: I am generally a bit OTT when it comes to violence, my Brother-in-law often sends me pics of dead hunted animals as he knows how it annoys me
my seun (6) is mal oor lilo en stitch…
I am always amazed at the violence in kids’ movies. That scene in The Lion King where the father dies — oy, gave me nightmares, but the kids didn’t seem to be affected. I have spotted that some of my sons’ friends are much more sensitive to violence and will cover their eyes or leave the room. I agree though, the only thing that seems to be suitable for 3-year-olds is Bob the Builder and Barney.
I put Ice Age on for my 2 to watch a couple of weeks ago. Tristan fell asleep, and Connor started crying. The scene with the sabre-tooth tigers was just too scary for him! I didn’t realise it was so scary, but most of the “kids” movies have quite violent scenes in them! Connor’s limited to CBeebies now 🙂
Horendous what is in the kids movies! Jess has learnt to self censor because I was picky when she was little.
She loves and I mean loves the Charmed series, when I watched one with her and commented on the witchcraft and violence she simply told me that “Mom, it is not real they are actors and it is a movie!” So I think did my job ok! Love the new blog name by the way. xx
Amazing how much violence there is in kids shows. Lilo ‘n Stitch is about the fight between good an evil. Stitch is designed to be evil, however, with his interactions with Lilo and being loved by her, he turns into a loving creature.
Good movie for littlies is Curious George… no scary parts at all.
We actually have it and he does enjoy it, thanks!