Party woes

It’s official.  My child is a hoover of anything and anything detrimental to his allergies at parties. 

We went to a 3rd birthday party on Saturday morning and I was actually quite embarrassed.  My child worked his way through biscuits, fizzers, niknaks, cake, pretzels and an array of sweets.  I know, I know, he probably did this because we don’t allow him to have this.  BUT, yesterday morning his nose was running and his eczema has flared up like you cannot believe.  So people, I am not just an anal retentive mommy, there is a reason Daniel is not allowed to eat all that stuff, apart from the obvious fact that it is crap.

So, I ask myself, is it really worth making a scene at a party and not let him have the stuff?  I’m finished.

We also took the kids for haircuts on Friday and it went A LOT better than I thought.  The girls are now sporting a semi-bob each and Daniel cool spikes.  They all behaved quite well, except for Isabel that kept on looking at her reflection in the mirror and seeing the scissors.  Poor baby.

We had all the Grandparents over for lunch on Sunday, here are some pics.  The girls were playing with a piece of biltong on my Mom’s lap and were “feeding” it to each other.  (Isabel left in the white and Mignon on the right) 

The second pic is Daniel on the couch.  They are such amazing kids, we are so blessed!

15 thoughts on “Party woes”

  1. Shame I feel for you with the kiddies allergies. I am proud of my son, since yesterday they had a party at school for one of the girls and the teacher was handing out Fizzers, and my son said to her “Not for me teacher, those have egg white in them”. He is 5 though, and has been sick from them often enough to know better now.

  2. Ahh what lovely photo’s. Am not sure it’s worth the fight and perhaps in due time you can explain that those things make him itch and give him a runny nose and ask him to choose 3 things to eat and not all. A friend of mind did a party with no sweets excepts fizzers in each layer of the pass the parcel. She had pop corn, cut up fruit, raisins, crunchies and little sandwiches. And the cake. No complaints of lack of sweets from any of the kids.

  3. My allergic one used to do the same thing,but luckily they realise as they get a bit older that these things make them feel ill so she avoids them….she will even tell me she doesn’t want bread,etc as it makes her feel sick…..good luck it does get better as they get bigger

  4. Blessed indeed you are! What lovely pics.
    Daniel will very soon learn that those things make him feel yucky and will refuse them himself.
    I make up a party pack for Jess and she takes her own “legal” stash. (She is the envy of all the other kids, with nice goodies) xx

  5. Aw, that pic of the girls with your mom is beautiful! Love Daniel’s hair! Such a little boy 🙂 Pity about the allergies 🙁 That really is a shame – kids will be kids! Hope he’s better now 🙂

    You really are blessed 🙂

  6. They look stunning in their new haircuts. Daniel has amazing eyes!! Ag shame, sometimes we just have to allow them some sweets. It’s difficult.

  7. Thanks, will definately try the 3 things, he is old enough to understand.
    At his birthday we also managed to keep it pretty much wheat free. It can be done, you just need to get your head around it.

  8. The joys of boys, yes, it is a weapon of mass destruction in our house and I keep on chucking it in the bin, but it somehow always reappears. Grrr

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