Party pics

Had a great day on Saturday, it went really, really well!
Check out the glitter

I am SO chuffed, made the cupcakes myself!

The girls with their wings and cake.  They had a BALL!

Daniel and his mate with the wings.  I had to eventually pry them off his back just before bedtime.  We took some great pics of him with the wings, wand and crown and will keep them for bribery when we need to. hiehiehie

11 thoughts on “Party pics”

  1. Lovely, lovely pics – love the wings on the boys (tee-hee). The 2 birthday fairies look so adorable.

  2. Aaaaah it is so lovely. Beautiful cakes and kids…lol at the pics of Daniel with the wings!!!

  3. Gorgeous little angels! You’re giving me a cunning little plan re blackmail pics… Going to get some fairy wings and tutu and snap Thomas… One day when he tries to dump me in a grotty old age home, I’ll threaten to publish those pics on the net! Whahahaha!

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