Overdue weight loss update

I have been baaaad the last 2 weeks and skipped my weigh-in last week (period = PMS = chocolate) as I knew I hadn’t lost anything. 

The weekend was a total write-off (hubby’s bday, Sunday lunch etc etc etc), but I still managed to lose 500g in the last 2 weeks.

So, a total of 4.6 kgs down, 17.4kgs to go.  It is now almost 3 weeks to go to the girls’ 1st bday party, so I just have to be good.

The most important thing I have realized I want to achieve to actually be able to wear my wedding ring as my fingers as just too fat right now.  I’m also hoping that my feet will shrink back to my old size pre-twin and extra 30 kgs as I have absolutely no shoes for the winter!

8 thoughts on “Overdue weight loss update”

  1. mmmmm maybe i should join you and we could encourage each other not to grab that chocolate, no matter how bad the pms is !

  2. Yay!!! Could do with a partner, my friend in Austria was doing it with me, but she has way too much going on in her life. You are on!

  3. Keep going every little bit adds up in the end,they say so and steady weight loss is best for long term

  4. deblet is so right

    Well, I am with both you and weebee – let the games begin!!!

    Thanks for the visit

  5. You’re doing so well. I must say, though, my feet have never been quite the same again since pregnancy. Anyone else feel that?

  6. Good on youfor losing that 500!!! Hope you all can inspire me as i have fallen,nay rolled off the wagon!!!Big time and I mean BIG!!You at least have babies that are only a year old my “baby” is nearly 12.I think i will start going for a walk today.

  7. Ha ha, I need to fit into my shoes as I cannot afford to go out and buy more! When you have kids you are also the last person you want to spend money on 🙂

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