I have now officially moved in to my home office, just waiting for the shelving and some pictures to go up, but otherwise it is MINE, all MINE! Hubby wandered in here yesterday and said it looks like an actual office. I wonder what he expected??
But I digress. For the last couple of months we have been putting down bowls and spoons for the girls when we feed them, just so they can get used to the idea of feeding themselves. We always put a little food in the bowls and it mostly ends up on the floor, but hey, that’s was tiles and dogs are for. I could hear the chaos of feeding time going on upstairs and the nanny has just called me hysterically to tell me they are feeding themselves! Granted, it is yogurt and it is EVERYWHERE, but they are having so much fun! Ag, my sweet little girls.
Last thought: we have also noticed that Isabel seems to be left and Mignon right. My sister is lefthanded and I remember it being a problem for my Mom. Is that still the case, or is it just because they didn’t cater very well for lefties 30 years ago??
Shouldn’t be a problem, although left-handed Mr Parent struggles with tin openers!
Tristan is almost 2 and feeding himself yogurt still causes huge messes. 🙂
My middle one is a lefty and we have no problems…make sure you get lft handed scissors as they do battle cutting with normal scissors.
Good one that they feed themselves so much easier
Sounds like they are having fun learning this new life skill 😉
Hand dominance will truly show around 4 years. Up to then they can still swop. It is always best to give them whatever you are handing to them at there midline and you’ll see they will favour one over the other when taking it. At this age they could just use their hand that is closest to the object they want to pick up.
Sounds like they are having fun learning this new life skill 😉
Hand dominance will truly show around 4 years. Up to then they can still swop. It is always best to give them whatever you are handing to them at there midline and you’ll see they will favour one over the other when taking it. At this age they could just use their hand that is closest to the object they want to pick up.
Hi Cams, we try to put the spoons in the midle in front of them, because I am fascinated by this and not really surprized as apparently identical twins tend to “mirror” each other. Funny enough, we give them each a plate with their snacks on also to see which hands they use, and it is the same.
Good point, I remember those, thanks!
Ons het ‘n bruinerige mat in ons woonkamer wat BAIE yogurt op het..