We have always been of the each-to-his-own-bed persuasion.
Lately Daniel has been driving us insane, wanting to sleep with us. And it has lead to many hours of lost sleep. Last night we decided to call it quits and hubby went to lie with him until he fell asleep, came back to bed and then went back to him when he woke up again later.
We just seriously cannot do this fighting in the middle of the night.
Please, fellow moms and sprogbloggers, tell me how to deal with this? What are the rules in your house?
How old is Daniel now?
Turned 3 in May. He also changed schools this term, so that might be part of the problem.
We battled with the youngest for ages only in last few weeks does she stay in her bed.
When she did get into our bed we allow her to lie for a short time then walk her back to bed,sometimes up to 5x a night….drove us nuts.
Good luck,we are both light sleepers and can’t sleep with kids in the bed
I wish I had a magical solution for you! Tristan’s almost 6 and still comes crawling to our bed at all hours – usually when he’s thirsty or had a nightmare or if he’s sick! It really disrupts the sleep pattern. I must say that we have “phases” of musical beds – for months he’s fine, then for a week or two he’ll come to our bed every night. I usually know there’s something troubling him when he does this!
At least you know when something’s bugging him. Hopefully he’ll do it when he’s a teenager 🙂
Ykes. I counted on Friday night. 50 times we marched him back in a 3 hour period, hence the giving up.
Rivan is al 4 en ‘n half en ons sukkel nou nog met die slapery. Ek het besluit om dinge vir nou te los soos dit is. (Die laaities slaap op ‘n matras in ons kamer). Wanneer die somer weer hier is, sal ek weer iets daarom trent probeer doen.
With our oldest child we had no problems. He slept through from about 4 months and it was all systems go from there. I was one smug mommy. With my toddler we got a rude awakening and have serious problems with this issue. For the moment we allow him in our bed but DH is not impressed with this arrangement (obviously). We are working on a solution. But having him in our bed does allow us more sleep.
I know exactly what to do to get him out but I really don’t have the energy for the whole up and down story and whole night crying business. I’ll try in December when I’m on leave and don’t need to be up early for work.
I don’t like Minki in our bed, but on occassion (usually when teething) she just would not settle and it is easier on all of us for her to fall asleep between us and only then I put her back in her own bed.
Goeie plan!
LOL at smug mommy, I have a friend who had the same experience as you and she’s not coping well 🙂
I agree, sometimes you just want to sleep…