Went away on a Management thingy overnight last night, finally got to bed at 02h00 this morning.
I didn’t smoke any cigarettes, although I might as well have for all the secondhand smoke.. I also managed to not drink too much, which is good, otherwise I would have ended up having a cigarette..
It was so nice to wake up at 06h30 this morning and then turn over a go straight back to sleep. Until I was woken up by one of my colleagues 15 minutes later. Thanks, you shouldn’t have. No, really.
I then made the mistake to call home and couldn’t actually have a conversation with Etienne due to all the screeching in the background. Apparently Daniel spent some quality time on the naughty chair after the phone call. No surprises there!
It was great to have a 2hr drive to myself, got to listen to MY music at top volume for the first time in ages!
I would have killed that colleague on the spot!