Happy days

We had such a wonderful weekend with the children, I was looking at them yesterday afternoon and I thought to myself that I love them so much it actually hurts!

On Saturday morning we had a meeting at Daniel’s school and they are in deep dwang financially and have asked to up the school fees.  They made such a compelling emotional appeal that I was ready to give them my last R50 and coins in my purse, but hubby wasn’t too impressed.

On Saturday afternoon we had friends over for the rugby and decided to go for a walk to the park afterwards just to get the kids out of the house (they also have a 3 year old).  I took some really nice pictures, will try to post tonight!

We then had both sets of Grandparents (and my crazy sister) over for lunch yesterday, which was chaos as usual, but actually not too bad.  My Mom then took Daniel for the afternoon, which was bliss, as we ended up having a really nice nap and some quiet time.  Hubby got a pair of sheepskin slippers for Father’s Day and the Granddads got the lunch and some choccies for Father’s Day

What did you buy your Dads??

10 thoughts on “Happy days”

  1. 🙂 sounds like a lekka family weekend…..Dad gifts we bought Hubbie Car cleaning stuff and a few mags…hes a paranoid car and bike washer

  2. D chose, in his words, “stylish pyjamas” for his Daddy. Baby K chose Daddy a pack of socks (since I saw the holes in hubby’s socks on Friday). For my own Dad I got him the first two editions of the John Wayne collection DVDs and some Liquorice Allsorts – he’s a big fan of both!

  3. Hubby spoiled me so much for Mother’s Day, I felt obliged to return the spoiling! He got a jacket (that he picked at Edgars over a month ago), pyjamas, a digital tyre pressure checker (also much wanted), a digital timer for the kitchen, the photo mug (and 2 other mugs – pre-school FD gift, and one I’d bought ages ago already), oven gloves (much needed) and biltong from Connor.

    My dad got slippers – which he was really happy with, and a ‘pre-school’ mug! FIL got PJ’s and, yes, a ‘pre-school’ mug!

  4. Slipperman got chocolates for his sweet tooth. My dad loves owls so Tash is busy with a pic of one that we will frame & take up to Swellies on our next visit.

  5. Well, you’d have to endure the PMS! The gifts are kind of a ‘consolation’ prize! LOL 😀

  6. Sounds like a lovely weekend. The hub only got an arrangement of leaves and branches from the yard. and a card from Angel. lol

  7. I gave my dad a picture frame with all the grandchildren, a golf shirt and some aftershave and a nice handmade craft card (brought from Mr Price home). Father in law got a “toaster” …long story… and some choccies.

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