Gratitude and chocolate cake

I was going to lament about all the vomit we had to clean up tonight, but after reading Tertia’s entries for today, I am reminded of how lucky we were against a lot of odds.

To cut a long story short, I had to have both my fallopian tubes removed and after going through 3 years of denial and dealing with a lot of stuff, I finally took the plunge and went for IVF in July 2004 and it worked first time, resulting in Daniel.  

We then thought that we most likely would not be that lucky again and decided we wanted to try once more when he was a year old, resulting in identical twin girls, Mignon and Isabel.

So, 2 IVF’s and 3 children!  They are all very special.

Then, we are doing Secret Santa at work this week, so I thought I would bake this allegedly easy chocolate cake and leave piece of it on my person’s desk.  It literally takes 15 minutes to make and 15 minutes to bake.  (excluding icing time)

No kidding.

It worked well, so let me know if anyone wants the recipe!   

4 thoughts on “Gratitude and chocolate cake”

  1. Hmm that cake sounds delich, babies are such blessing, we must cherish every minute we have with them, because there is want to be mommies out there who will never be able to experience the joy of raising children.

    Have a great day and can we please get the recipe?

  2. I can beat your recipe, my son made a cake in a mug in the microwave last night in 3 minutes. He and his brother pronounced it delicious. Yep, we are lucky to have our children, thanks for the reminder.

  3. Nothing like a bit of chocolate to make you even more grateful 🙂

    Sounds like the recipe’s going to be hot property – best you post it ASAP!!

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