Easter weekend

I was going to do a post about the egg hunt we had, but this is what came out:

The 3rd best thing about this past weekend is that there were no nannies, it was just us as a family.  We got to spend time with people that we love and enjoy spending time with, not because we have to. 

The 2nd best thing is that I really, really enjoyed the time with my kids.  Despite the odd whining from Daniel, it was great as we weren’t rushed to go anywhere as the shops were mostly closed and we had deliberately not over-planned outings and events.  By Sunday avie I was wishing I could slow down the clock and let the weekend stretch just that little bit longer.  I want to inhale them, they are so amazing.

But the very best thing about this weekend is that hubby and I connected again like the old days for the first time in ages and we are now closer than we have been in a while.  Not that we were that far apart, but we just hadn’t connected properly for such a long time because it has just been too chaotic.  If it weren’t for very similar backgrounds and a sense of humor we would not have survived.  I am far too cynical to get all bleary eyed and say it is perfect, but it is lovely at the moment.  Like a really comfortable pair of shoes (a really NICE pair of shoes of course..)

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