Easter pics

Ok, I’m obsessed with cupcakes.

The 3 rugrats.  Mignon left, Isabel middle, Daniel right.  It is virtually impossible to get them all to stay in one place long enough to take a pic – I am quite impressed with this!!

Easter weekend was great fun, long post to follow tomorrow.

9 thoughts on “Easter pics”

  1. Know what you mean. I’ve only got three pictures with all three boys together. But just getting Rivan and Tristan to stay still long enough for a photo takes LOTS of patience.

    PS: Those cupcakes looks devine!!! The baking part I can manage it’s the decoration part that I can’t manage!!

  2. Oh so gorgeous…and the cupcakes look yummy, but this pic is so so adorable of the 3 rugrats!!!! Cutie pies!!

  3. Wow, jou cupcakes is great. Miskien ‘n alternatief vir jou 9-5 werk? Het jy hulle weggesteek in die tuin?

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