I know, I know, I don’t normally do DUF’s but hey. I was sitting on the N1 (aka the parking lot) and really needed coffee, so I pulled off and am now sitting having said coffee and wabbing.


Couple of things in the pipeline that I’m just impatient about.

Snot.  Need I say more?

Need to pull myself towards myself and get back on my eating plan.  I seriously think hubby removed the batteries from the bathroom scale as he couldn’t stand the daily wailing and pulling of hair anymore.


Couple of interesting things on the work front.


Special friends over for a braai on Saturday and lunch with other friends at their house on Sunday.


Long weekend next weekend!

A new twitter friend I met through Cams, the fabulous Catherine, is coming over to photograph the children next weekend, can’t wait! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

8 thoughts on “DUFs”

  1. Have a lekker weekend. Hope the snots vanish soon. I only woke up yesterday to the fact that next weekend is a long weekend. I used to love public holidays but now that I am a freelancer I dread them.

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