Day 9 – Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted

Click here to see what this is about.

My first words were going to be “when I was young” and then I had a complete wobbly because I realised that I really knew this person “when I was young”.

She is my friend Kim, she was the person that kicked me out of my comfort zone and convinced me to get on a plane and go to London.  I’m talking 1994.  (See, I told you it was a long time ago!)

We were soulmates and pretty much spent the first few months in London together 24/7.  We shared a really crappy bedsit that was just big enough for 2 single beds and a bathroom and a kitchenette in a closet.  She then moved in with a boyfriend and I shared a flat with some other friends.

She ended up marrying her boyfriend and they stayed in London and then moved to Tokyo and then on to Florence where she studied art.

She followed her dream to become a painter and she is amazing.  She has traveled all over the world and has met some of the most amazing people and has had an all-round fabulous life so far. Click here to see her website, you won’t be sorry! 

We have stayed in touch over the years and she recently came back to live in Cape Town, invited me to an exhibition and I have to (shamefully) admit I didn’t go and haven’t seen her since she’s been back, even though we have spoken.  (Sick kids, too busy, husband working late.  There’s always something)

She has always been a wonderful friend and I have probably been reluctant to see her because I am not nearly as fabulous or skinny or interesting as I used to be, but doing this post has made me realise that I’m probably just being petty, so I’ll make a plan soon 🙂

12 thoughts on “Day 9 – Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted”

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  2. She is an amazing artist – thanks for sharing! BTW You are plenty fabulous and interesting – your lives just followed different paths.

  3. I’m sure the connection will still be the same if you see each other. It’s true though….your choices took you on different roads. And yours is different, not less interesting or worthwhile!

  4. Give her a shout – some friends you really do not have to be in the same phase of life to still enjoy each other.

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