Day 5 – Something you hope to do in your life

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I’m going to be selfish and make this ALL about ME.

There is a list as long as my arm of things I still want to do, mostly related to travelling around the world.  I want to see Alaska, I want to see the great wall of China, I want to follow the Tour de France in a camper van, go barging in France, see America, ag, the list is endless.  And of course I wish to do all of this with my family.

I have a dream of seeing the 7 wonders of the world, travelling to a destination once a year with the entire family when the kids are bigger.  Hey, a girl’s gotta dream!

But mostly, I want to walk the El Camino de Santiago one day when I have/make time.  It is also called the Pilgrimage and apparently it is a life-changing experience.  I have a friend that has walked some of it and said it was amazing.  The whole walk stretches for  between 780-900 kms from France to Santiago in Spain, depending on which route you decide to take.  If you want to do the whole walk they suggest walking for 30 days, 30 kms a day.  

Could you imagine walking 30 kms every day for a month? Could you imagine sleeping in a different place every night for 30 nights?  The amount of shoes you would go through?  And bear in mind that you would carry everything with you that you need.

Although it is traditionally a pilgrimage Christians make, a lot of people do it as a spiritual journey and I would probably fall into that category.  For now.

The other reason I am so intrigued is probably because of Paulo Coelho’s book, The Pilgrimage.  Well worth a read.

If you want to read more click here and here to have a look.

What do you think.  Should we do a MOB Pilgrimage? πŸ˜›

22 thoughts on “Day 5 – Something you hope to do in your life”

  1. The pilgrimage sounds like a good idea! I vote for the CT people to do a pilgrimage up to JHB. But I don’t think you’d be able to persaude many people πŸ™‚ Would probably work better the other way round – at least there’s a bit of incentive to see the sea, mountains, countryside etc… πŸ™‚

  2. I love that you have these dreams. I’m sure that they will become a reality. I’ve also read the Pilgrimage, so I can understand where you’re coming from. You have inspired me to pursue my dreams as well! x

  3. MOB Pilgrimage sounds fabulous….but just how long would we have to wait for the kids to be big enough to leave for 30+ days?

  4. I also want to do the Camino! Have been thinking about it for years. And many more travel ideas that will have to wait.

  5. I’m with Deb? When will we be able to leave the kids for 30 days? Sorry for shattering your dream.

  6. Not at all, but remember that the kids won’t be small forever and we need to have our own dreams!

  7. I actually love the idea of the walk. Let’s plan it for when the kids are old enough to leave at home.

  8. I have to wait a long time before I can do the actual walk, have to wait for kids to grow up a little, but hopefully by then I have lost the baby weight!

  9. You are my blog soul mate! I’ve wanted to do the Camino for the longest time. Even joined the local chapter and started to learn Spanish but then the children arrived. I entertained fanciful notions of taking D along on a donkey for a while but now with two children I realise it’s not going to happen for a while. But it’s a dream I never lose sight of. A MOB pilgrimmage would be awesome!

  10. You know what this means, don’t you? We have to make a date and just DO IT, even if it’s 10 years from now!

  11. I have books and maps to share. We need to make a plan – even if it is very long term. First off for me is to get fit again – I’d struggle to go on a walking pilgrimmage to the cathedral in town at the moment!

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