Danielisms and other stuff

I’m so proud I can burst.  When I arrived at school today Daniel was so engrossed in a puzzle that he didn’t see me and his new teacher said that she needs to ask for more puzzles as he has built them all.  He has only been in this “big” class of 3-6 year olds for a week!  He is an incredibly avid puzzle builder – he builds 63 piece puzzles by himself at the age of 3.  I think that’s really cool 🙂

I found a 100 piece puzzle I thought would challenge him.  I found him at the table this evening trying to figure it out, saying “Oh my goodness”.

Then, we were reading Snow White in Afrikaans at bedtime and we got to the “Spieeltjie, spieeltjie aan die hand, wie’s die mooiste in die land” bit and I said “spieeltjie, spieeltjie and then he said ” in die wand”.  Cute 🙂

And then he farted up a storm in bed and I could barely breathe.  Jeez.

11 thoughts on “Danielisms and other stuff”

  1. Clever boy. That is way beyond his age expectations. Boys and farting….. When I wake my son up for school, he gives me a sleepy grin and then lets out a loooong fart. Like a little man!!

  2. Wow, maybe he’s oging to be an engineer or something. I had one child who was bored by puzzles, the other one loved them.

  3. So great that he can build puzzles, very important skill apparently.
    He’s a boy Mom, what do you expect, the farts come naturally! 😀

  4. The fact that he loves puzzles is great (so I’ve been told by T’s teacher). It shows excellent maths skills.

    LOL at the farting! What a boy! Tristan bends over to pick up his PJ’s and farts in my face.

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