Danielism and girls

As a child I used to hide behind furniture and around corners whenever something on the TV scared me.

Daniel is obsessed with Sleeping Beauty at the moment, mostly because of the dragon that is defeated at the end of the story.  We had the movie on tonight whilst hubby and I were cooking supper and catching up.  Suddenly Daniel is in the kitchen, peeping around the corner at the TV.  Low and behold, it was the Dragon bit and our little man was scared!

The girls are also developing their own personalities so much now, we battle to keep up.

Isabel is a real tomboy.  She is forever taking off her shoes.  We can NOT put clips or make ponytails with her hair, she pulls it out immediately.  She is going to be a master tantrum thrower, she is already testing the water.  She is stubborn as all hell – she is obsessed with the kitchen table and despite pleading and stern talking to, she continues to drag chairs out and climb on the table.  And she already pushes her brother around.

Mignon is a real girly girl.  She hardly ever takes off her shoes and we can do her hair anytime.  Generally a clip or ponytail will stay in for ages.  She doesn’t throw tantrums, she does the whole “limp, jelly-body” thing.  She also tends to revel in being “the victim” at the moment and everything is a drama.  And she prefers to be attached to a hip.  Any hip.

I sometimes get a hint of what life can potentially be like when they are all talking and fighting, but push that thought down very quickly and live in blissful denial until then πŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “Danielism and girls”

  1. It may seem overwhelming but I’m sure your life wouldn’t be the same without them πŸ˜‰

  2. Well, then you can also imagine, how in about 20 years, you are going to enjoy them, being good friends and getting along so well.

  3. It always amazes me that twins – 2 people that look so much alike – can be so different as night from day.

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