Chickens and toothbrushes

Sjoe, I’m feeling like the proverbial decapitated chicken at the moment.  Run to pick up domestic, run to drop off Daniel, run to get to work, do quick shop, cook supper, cook pots of food for girls to freeze (Purity sucks), bath kids, get them off to bed, clean up kitchen before domestic comes in tomorrow (Ja, what’s up with that??), switch on laptop to do work, squeeze in time to blog and off to bed soon. (all the cooking and kid stuff was done WITH hubby)

I wanted to do a long whiney post about hubby and how he doesn’t get how I’m feeling right now with all the change in my life and treats me like I’m his PA, but then I realised that I should probably rather have a conversation with him about it.  I will.  I promise.  Soon.

I have been meaning to ask: when is the best time to start brushing teeth?  I am of the “lets not make an issue so that there will not be an issue later” parenting persuasion, but brushing teeth is like saying please and thank you in my book.  BUT it is a nightly nightmare with the girls and, quite frankly, irritates the living crap out of me.

Any suggestions?

12 thoughts on “Chickens and toothbrushes”

  1. LOL at cleaning the kitchen before the domestic comes! I try to do that too – maybe because I don’t want her to think we live like pigs 😀
    I’m also wondering about the teeth brushing – I tried a small toothbrush in Connor’s mouth, but he doesn’t like it, and just wants to grab it and chew it. I suppose the earlier we start, the better – make it part of routine, like at bath time, but the frustration is just too much!

  2. I started “brushing” Dylan’s teeth when he had 2 of them (brushing tooth just didn’t seem right). I do it after his bath with one of those soft rubber training brushes. First I do it for him, and them I let him chew on it while I brush mine (lead by example I guess). Don’t know if this is the right way – guess I’ll find out when he’s older whether it worked. Isn’t bringing up kids fun – you get to try out bunches of techniques and things 🙂

  3. Ek maak ‘n issue oor Rivan se tande borsel elke nou en dan, maar oor die algemeen laat ek hom dit self doen. Tristan hou vreeslik daarvan om te borsel, maar dis meer ‘n tandepaste af eet en kou wat hy doen. Ek sal hom ook binne kort moet begin ernstig leer.

  4. As soon as they have teeth….give them one to play with and have your own to brush with…good luck.
    Welcome to the world of juggling kids,home,work….easier to run off to work….lol

  5. I also find brushing Joel’s teeth to be a nightmare!
    And I use really cool toothbrushes and nice baby toothpaste. I make an effort to do it in the evenings because I simply can’t handle that nightmare in the mornings on an empty stomach. Good Luck…
    I hope you find the secret and let me in on it.

  6. Someone clever gave me this awesome 3 pack with different types of heads – the starting one was just ridged rubber that she could chew on, followed by one with about 10 rubber bristles then the ‘normal’ kid size head.
    Had to go through some different tubes of toothpaste to find the one she liked and of course we did it together which helped.

    Oh and singing…
    “This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our teeth.
    This is the way we brush our teeth so early in the morning!” repeat

    Did this with hair, packing toys – whatever.

    Good luck!

  7. I am struggling with Shaun too. He used too like brushing but not anymore. He didn’t like his normal toothbrush and took my electric one, so we went and bought his own electric toothbrush, but now he do not want either of them. It is a huge struggle. I brush it for him at bath time with a lot of moaning and fuss :(. Good luck. Hope it gets better.

  8. We also have the 3 pack (Pigeon I think), but it didn’t come with the song 🙂
    Thanks Cam!

  9. Minki is an angel. Since tooth no 1 she loves brushing it to the Barney brushing song, with me joining in. As soon as I start brushing mine, she jumps up and down till I give her her brush with toothpaste on (Aquafresh Milk Teeth).
    Judging from all the comments I guess I am very lucky.

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