Change, she is inevitable

keep-calm-and-smooch-18We officially reached a milestone yesterday that made me a little sad.  A necessary and completely natural milestone, but still.

Picture this: (said in best Sophia Petrillo voice – and if you don’t know who she is, you could possibly be too young to read this blog)

Yesterday morning I went for my morning walk and when I came home there was a child and a husband in our bed.  When I opened the bathroom door after my shower there were 3 children and a husband in our bed and it was all giggles. (which reminds me, we need a bigger bed)

Etienne got up and, as is our morning habit, we had a little smooch in the bathroom, much to the loudly proclaimed disgust and dismay of the 3 children watching our every move from the bed.  This is the first time ever they have reacted whatsoever to any affection Etienne and I have shown each other (except for that One Time We Shall Not Mention I have been forbidden to blog about or discuss in public)

At the same time there was also much discussion about boobies and tummies and mommy’s bum. Which was hilarious (mostly) and I don’t really mind as I want the kids to be comfortable about their bodies and what they look like, even if it is at the cost of a little of my dignity.

We are quite an affectionate couple in private, I guess affection is the love language we share, so we are often touching or hugging or kissing in front of the kids and they have never before said anything about it, much less asked us not to touch or kiss.

All the parenting books always say you should show affection in front of your kids (much like they say you should breastfeed), but they never tell you how to react when your kids suddenly react negatively to it (much like those same books never tell you how to deal with stopping the milk when baby refuses you and you know it’s time to give up), so we are going to choose to ignore the gagging sounds and just Keep Calm and Smooch.

But my babies!  My babies are growing up way too fast! Next thing we’ll be dispensing marriage advice, which hopefully they won’t need too much of because we would have set a fairly good example.

Has this happened to you yet?  How did you handle it?

5 thoughts on “Change, she is inevitable”

  1. Hazrad of kids getting bigger….my teens roll their eyes a lot at us… what ever….they need to just get over it and suck it up….and yes Mom and Dad…’Do ,do it!”
    But I hear you on the milestone,suddenly you realise your kiddies are not babies and are in fact getting big…sad, but true

  2. Keep on doing what you are doing! My mom still sat on my dad’s lap (you know them both) when I left school and they still hold hands and kiss in public till this day! I felt ashamed of it at the time, but subconsciously set their affectionate behaviour as a goal of what I want of my own relationships. I cannot thank them enough!

  3. Keep calm and smooch. LOVE that. Child1 gets grossed out by us (I guess that’s normal for his age? ) and Child2 just gets cross! He MUST be included or else!

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