Vomit, that is.
Some nights I think I might have a vomit free night, but noooo, it feels like most nights I am changing at least one baby’s clothes, bedding etc etc etc. And I know by now that if they don’t hurl within 5 minutes of drinking that bottle, we generally are cool. I feel like shoving the bottles in their mouths and running for the hills.
Some nights Etienne has to leave poor Daniel to come and help when it is a double whammy. Those nights I swear like an effing storm trooper (ok, I swear anyway)
I sometimes wish I can take 5 minutes to feel sorry for myself, but I’m too scared I’ll get stuck there, so on we go. Just climb into bed and literlly pull the covers over my head. Maybe that’s why I am the lucky winner of an ulcer?
One last unhappy topic: my nanny, who is amazing, had to send 2 of her children to her aunt in the EC as she couldn’t afford to have them here and apparently a lot of children are going missing in the townships. She has been waiting for the aunt to bring her children back to CT tomorrow and sent money for the bus, only to be told by this woman that she “might” bring them next week as she had to give the money for the busfare to someone else. She is, needless to say, devastated as she has literally been counting the hours until they arrive and this is now the 3rd postponement. I wish I had money to help her! If I had the time I would get my car and drive there to get them myself!!
Anyway, sorry about all the complaining, had to get it off my chest.
On the upside, if you are in the Durbanville/Kenridge area at night, do yourself a favor and drive by the duck pond above the 7/11 as there is a house with the most amazing Xmas lights. I sometimes get in the car when it gets dark (and I have cleaned up all the vomit) and drive by just for a good giggle. It looks like the whole house and garden is moving, really funny!
oh dear, words of encouragement lack…just glad you have not started vomitting with them!! Is’nt it against the law to retrench pregnant women?