I was chatting to a friend today and she mentioned that her cellphone was stolen/lost on Saturday and that she is waiting for hubby to arrange a new one. Which lead to the conversation about who does what in their house, because I have no patience and hubby would wait for 18 months for the best deal.
Her hubby is the organiser, cook and the DIY dude in their household. And very good at his job I might add 🙂
In our house I do a lot of the organising (getting quotes, paying bills, making doctor’s appointments, fighting with builders and municipalities etc), hubby does all the accounting stuff and cooking and we outsource the majority of the DIY stuff. We also tend to share the load with the children, although he does get up more often than I do at night, purely because he sleeps closest to the bedroom door and is a light sleeper.
What happens in your house? Who does what?
Hubby organises stuff – gardening, building, DIY etc, as I’m useless at organising. I do the medical stuff though, take kids to doctors, organise med aid etc. He also does the majority of the cooking, and I do most of the kid stuff – dropping & fetching, bathing, dressing, getting up in the night.
I do the work, Hubby does the Playstation3.
I do the stuff that needs a hard-arse to do it. Hubby does the things that needs patience and DIY gets outsourced to our dads. Of all the reasons why I fell in love and love husband, he’s DIY skills is not one of them. So I call people and scream and shout for them to get things done and husband does the rest. Good cop/Bad cop
I think our hubbies were separated at borth 🙂
We both share the cooking and cleaning. Wife works shifts so she is not always home when chores need to be done. For DIY, I use/abuse my brothers goodwill, lol.
Good boy!